Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising enables you to target your specific demographic with personalised ads. If your customers are generally female, with an average age of 30, and live throughout Australia, you can run ads that only show to these people!

Facebook Advertising vs Google AdWords Advertising

Whilst Facebook advertising is similar to Google AdWords in that is a pay-per-click service, its main advantage is the demographic targeting.  Google AdWords lets you target a broad range of searchers but they may not be the right age, sex or even within the right location.

How PositionMEonline can help

We have set up and managed Facebook Advertising campaigns for a variety of businesses across a range of industries.  These campaigns can direct visitors to your website or your Facebook page to boost fan numbers. We manage your budget, test ad variations, and ensure the campaigns are architected correctly to ensure you get maximum ROI.

» For more information call our office on (08) 9313 2699 or book in for a free 1 hour consultation.