Technical Support



Friday, April 03
Needing a web designer to maintain your website is now a thing of the past. Content Management Systems (CMS) are commonplace amongst most leading web design companies, and give businesses the power to manage their information online themselves.

The advantages of having a CMS are considerable. By making website updates in-house businesses no longer have to put up with potentially lengthy delays in getting changes made. Changes are done right first time, and content is more likely to be kept fresh.

A CMS will enable businesses to change text, add images, and upload files, all without requiring any coding knowledge. More advanced CMS programs like MySuperWeb and Joomla can enable businesses to send out email marketing campaigns, maintain an online shop, store customer details, and accept online bookings – without having to pay a web designer. Search engines also give preference to fresh content and will re-visit websites that are regularly updated.

» Click here to contact a representative from PositionMEonline and discuss how you can now easily afford to fire your web designer!

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