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Friday, December 24
To remain competitive and at the forefront of your industry in 2011, the team at PositionMEonline recommend giving consideration to the following components of your online marketing strategy –

1. Bulk up your website content
This will keep visitors at your website longer and attract more searchers for a broader variety of keywords. Best of all it doesn’t cost much except your time in writing the content!

2. Register keyword-rich domain names & build additional websites
Don’t miss the boat on this. Many clients now run multiple websites for the purpose of generating leads for their business. A once-off investment that will yield results for years to come.

3. Market your business with MySuperAds
Before you consider running newspaper, magazine, radio or Yellow Pages ads in 2011, talk to us about the value of being able to advertise to customers specifically looking for your business, and monitor how many of those call or email you for more information.

4. Keep building inbound links
A well executed link strategy will make it difficult for competitors to outrank your website. Stay tuned in early 2011 for more information about our new improved Link Building service.

5. Establish a Facebook Page
Facebook is here to stay, and a company Facebook page is no different to a web page. Find a young staff or family member to run this for you (we can help kick-start the page with a design specific to your business). You can see our Facebook page by clicking here.

Get to it before your competitors do!

Thursday, June 24

We're pleased to announce the launch of a new free guide for businesses looking for a web marketing service provider. 

Our industry is littered with one-man operations, fly-by-nights, and companies that give our industry a bad name.  This guide has been developed by our team to assist you in filtering out the wheat from the chaff.  Best of all it's 100% free, and could save you thousands in fees and lost business!

Click the icon below to download your free copy now!

Friday, June 26
A domain name is the website address for your business – e.g. Choosing the right domain name is important for a variety of reasons.

The following guide will help keep you on the right path to ensure your select the best website address -
  • Keep it short – the longer it is, the harder it will be for potential customers to remember
  • Try not to abbreviate – abbreviations don’t mean much to people not in the know
  • Choose a if you have an Australian target market – search engines give preference to domain names in Australia
  • Incorporate relevant keywords – e.g. to get your website clicked on more often
I often see clients who have purchased hundreds of domain names with the intention of displaying their new website under all of these addresses. This can cause issues with a website’s search engine visibility because the websites will be seen as being duplicates of one another, and may be issued with a ranking penalty.

Registering a few good domain names to keep them from your competitors is acceptable, but ask your website hosting company to point these all back to your main domain name.

We can help you with domain registrations, domain recommendations, and potentially save you some money by pointing you towards inexpensive domain registrars including

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