Technical Support



Sunday, November 08
Google has announced they have made a deal with Twitter and will be delivering Tweet feeds in the SERPs.

This is exciting and interesting and it confirms that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Social Media are partners in your success.  You shouldn't neglect either!

The search engines favour web pages with history, quality and volumes of information, much the same as the way they treat Social Media posts.  This means having an account with Facebook and Twitter is a must if you want to ride this wave.  

Get as much history in as you can and remember that accounts that have been around longer with more tweet history may fare better. 

Tweet often but keep it natural - and tweet quality.  Tweet when you have something to ask, share or teach. 

Use keywords - but don't stuff your posts full of keywords.  If the tweets are about your industry, you should be using keywords naturally anyway.

Use links in your tweets back to your site (to relevant content on your site) and share the link love - link to other quality sites out there.

Make sure you use your keyword in your bio and if you are just setting up your username, maybe in your username too?  This may or not help.  Again, I must say - do not stuff keywords anywhere - not in tweets, not in your bio, not in your username.

This is a good thing, but if people abuse it and bring the overall quality of Twitter down, we will all be sorry.

If you have a feed that sends your tweets to Facebook, or your Facebook status to Twitter, you may want to consider turning it off.  If you have the same message in both places you are missing an opportunity for Bing to pick up both.  If they are unique, you have 2 chances to get in there!

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