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Tuesday, February 12

People respond to videos.  The success of videos on YouTube is well noted, and it is only natural that businesses are capitalising on this opportunity with social media sites – such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.  It’s a quick and easy way to capture the attention of your followers and create more interest.

While the effectiveness of videos on social media is not in question, navigating the best practices of this can be a bit confusing.  How can you make the most of this media?  Chelsea Perry identifies three areas with helpful tips that can help any business owner use videos effectively:

  1. Find Your Niche: What is your demographic?  Once you figure this out, you can begin to look at items like keywords, tone, mood, themes, and other items that can guide your video selection process.  Perry notes that for the Purina Beneful dog food brand, it’s simple for the dog lovers – cute dog videos instead of dry material.

  2. Serialise Videos: There is real value to serialising videos.  You can keep audiences coming back for more with this spin on social media videos.  Perry recommends a series of videos that depict common treatments for doctors, or supplementary videos for a product manufacturer as examples.  This type of approach can beat the “random video” approach.

  3. Examine Its “Shareability”: You need to get videos, shared, retweeted, commented on, and so forth for maximum value.  Make sure that you keep your videos relatively short (under two minutes), and always watch for content and tone.  Entertaining and informative content, Perry notes, are two standards that can be used to gauge shareability.

Interested in learning more about using social media to build your business?  Contact us to find out more on the subject.

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